Having discussed things that we would like to change with the older riders one of the things that came up first was wanting a big tidy up. First to go was the scrap metal that we had been unable to move off the field since the building work was done last year because of the mud and then the unexpected snow. As it had dried up this week we managed to get a van on the field to get rid of the metal.

All volunteers down that day got involved in moving the tidy up. Unfortunately the van could not get access to the metal which had been stored safely out of the way. Everyone gave a hand in moving it... there were some unusual finds bikes, shopping trolleys etc most of which had entered the field by coming down the stream and being deposited in the field when the stream flooded.

We filled the van in no time and were very pleased to have a tidier field!
As the horses were having their evening feeds we had some visitors to the field who were very keen to see the horses having seen us often by viewing our website. Most of all they would like to see themselves on the website with the horses...