Today Rosa came to join her mum at the stables. Rosa is Maisey's foal and will be two this summer. She was excited to get here and was pleased to see the other horses. They were all in as the weather was poor so there was no real chance to see the other horses but she did meet her mum. Rosa seemed to recognise her mum or at least was pleased to see her. Maisey wasn't too impressed and pulled faces at first but showed more interest after having a good look at her. Rosa was happy pulling faces at her next door neighbour mini but Maisey ignored them both and was much more interested in her new likkit.

This is a photo of Rosa at her previous home when she was much younger with her mum in the background.

Maisey and Rosa take a first look at each other... its been a long time!!

Rosa is there to meet everyone as they come home from school!