On wednesday the 27th of August it was decided to have Snip put to sleep. This was because he was not maintaining a good body weight coming into the winter and the previous winter he had been low and had not finished his food. As to get through the winter Snip has to eat three big liquid feeds a day not eating his food was a very serious problem and last winter was very much touch and go. Because he was much poorer this autumn than last autumn it was decided that it was very unlikely that he would survive this winter given his current body weight. Snip also had several other medical conditions including cataracts in both eyes, sweet itch and mild COPD. In addition the dentist had commented on the poor condition of his teeth on his last visit and said that it was very unlikely he could get much nutrition from his hay as he was unable to digest it properly.
Snip was much loved by everyone at the stables and he will be sadly missed. Also Belle his close friend will be missing him over the next few weeks so we will hope to be pairing her with another suitable pony to keep her company. Many thanks to Belle for being his devoted 'guide dog' over the past three years as it meant a lot to Snip to have such a loving companion in his final years.